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Good people

Husband lost his cell phone Friday night. He dropped it while we were stopped by the side of the road so he could have a pee. He didn't realize it was missing until yesterday afternoon, and, by the time we went looking for it there, it was gone. As it turned out, a fellow named Steve, who was in town for an event yesterday, found it when he stopped for a pee at the very same spot. I kid you not.

Needless to say, we were relieved to get Steve's message this afternoon. Though Husband only uses his phone to phone, text and check  email, it was nerve-wracking to consider just how vulnerable we'd be if bad guys got access to our personal information.

Fortunately, there are a lot more good people than bad in the world - like the gentleman who found Husband's phone - but sometimes that's hard to remember when we see such awful stuff in the news all day every day. It's important to try though. Otherwise, we go through life being suspicious of others, when the fact is most of them are just trying to be good people like us.

Think about your own networks of friends, family and colleagues. How many of them would have done what Steve did? All of them, I bet - or darn near anyway. Yes, there are folks who are dishonest or desperate enough to keep a lost cell phone or misuse the information stored on it, but there are so many more Steves whose first instinct will always be to do what they can to help. It was good to be reminded of that today. 



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