It's just after 6:00 and I've been awake for a little over an hour. To be clear, I'm not a morning person. Never have been. I've struggled my whole life to get out of bed early enough to make it to work on time - hitting the snooze button repeatedly, and lying semi-comatose in bed until husband delivers coffee. Fortunately, that seems to be changing as I age. Maybe because I generally go to sleep earlier than I used to. But mostly I think because I've come to appreciate how clear and peaceful my thoughts are at this time of day - comparatively speaking anyway - so I'm less inclined to go back to sleep when I awaken early. When I'm home in the country, there's the additional pleasure of being enthusiastically greeted by the critters. I've long suspected my aversion to mornings had more to do with how I felt about work than mornings themselves since I've always been more inclined to get up early on weekends and holidays. I'm hoping that m...